Scholarships and grants are money others give you to help pay for your education. The scholarships you’re offered from your college or other organizations may be large enough to cover all or some of your tuition and other college-related expenses, sometimes for all four years. Or, they may cover just some of your college costs.
To be eligible for this assistance, you need to apply and meet the eligibility requirements. Sometimes all that’s required is filling out the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). Other scholarships and grants require a separate application, and might be based on need, excellent grades, a particular talent or other criteria.
In most cases, you have to satisfy the requirements of the grantor. This may include getting good grades, continuing to enroll at least half time and sometimes putting your particular talent or skill to work.
To read more about the types of scholarships for which you might be eligible and how to apply, check out the Scholarship Worksheet and these online resources:
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Scholarships and grants usually don’t have to be repaid. Loans typically do. There are some loan forgiveness programs for students who choose certain public-service jobs.